At Buckingham Primary School we have an inclusive ethos and we are committed to making sure that children who require additional support are well provided for. We know that all children need different forms of support at various stages of their school career and we believe that each pupil has individual and unique ways to achieve their full potential. Adjustments are made to the learning environment and to the curriculum to ensure that children with Special Educational Needs can access the learning and progress to reach their potential and we liaise closely with outside agencies to facilitate this.
We do not discriminate against any individual on grounds of gender, transgender, race, disability, age, pregnancy, sexual orientation, background or religious belief. We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils promoting their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Our SEND team is led by Mrs Sarah Gammon (SENDCo). Mrs Gammon can be contacted via the school email address or 01280 812864
For further information please see our Local Offer below.
BPS Accessibility Plan November 2023
Buckingham Primary School Annual SEN Information Report November 2023
Buckingham Primary Nursery Annual SEN Information Report November 2022
Buckingham Primary Nursery SEND Policy 2023-24