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Well-being & Support for Parents

These links will assist if looking for support, whether it is financial, food, social or emotional, there are a variety of services available locally and nationally to help you.  Whilst every care is taken to ensure these pages are current and appropriate please let us know if you find any errors.  Likewise, if you are aware of any other links you think may be helpful for parents, please contact the school office on 01280 812864 or office@buckinghamprimary.com 

Please scroll down the page to access support for Wellbeing & Mental Health, Finance, bills & support, Food & Shopping, Food Banks, Money & Budgeting, General Support, Refugee Support, Gypsy, Roma & Traveller support, Missing Persons.



Wellbeing & Mental Health

 Suicide Prevention and Support

 Mental Health Support

 Apps Available

 #stayalive - a suicide prevention resource full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis

  • Aura – Personalised meditation
  • Blueice – for managing emotions
  • Bright Sky - support and information for anyone who may be in an abusive relationship
  • Calm – Meditate, sleep, relax
  • Calm Harm - help teenagers manage or resist the urge to self-harm
  • Catchit – Learn to manage negative thoughts and look at problems differently
  • Chillpanda – Breathing techniques to help you relax
  • Clear Fear - help children and young people manage symptoms of anxiety
  • Combined Minds - help families and friends provide mental health support
  • Couch to 5K – fitness and motivation
  • Cove – Create Music to reflect emotions
  • Daylight - provides help to people experiencing symptoms of worry and anxiety
  • Daylio Journal – this journal can help reduce anxiety and promote mindfulness
  • Elefriends - a supportive online community from the mental health charity Mind (over 17s only)
  • eQuoo – emotional fitness game
  • Feeling Good: Positive Mindset – Uses audio tracks to help relax your body and mind
  • Google Translate – web page to enable translation of any language
  • Headspace - mindfulness and meditation, providing unique tools and resources to help reduce stress, build resilience, and aid better sleep
  • iTranslate - write and speak in over 100 languages, anywhere in the world.
  • Liberate Meditation - meditation app that offers culturally sensitive and diverse meditations and talks that have been curated for the BAME community
  • Mind Shift - designed to help teens and young adults cope with anxiety
  • Mood Tools - designed to help you combat depression and alleviate your negative moods, aiding you on your road to recovery
  • My Possible Self - monitor your feelings and recognise any patterns or triggers in your behaviour
  • notOK - features a large, red button that can be activated to let close friends, family and their support network know help is needed
  • Recovery Record - the smart companion for managing your journey to recovery from eating disorders
  • Rise Up - for people struggling with food, dieting, exercise and body image
  • Sam - to help you understand and manage anxiety
  • SAMHSA – Suicide Safe - helps providers feel confident to assist patients who present with suicidal ideation
  • sayhi - Have a conversation in two languages and easily understand each other.
  • Silver Cloud - supportive and interactive programmes, tools and tactics for mental and behavioural health issues
  • Sleepio - sleep improvement programme that is fully automated and highly personalised, using cognitive behavioural techniques to help improve poor sleep
  • Smart Recipes - from Change4Life is an easy way of helping you prepare tasty, healthier meals
  • Streaks- a to-do list that helps you form good habits
  • Student Health App – information for students
  • Text Grabber - Scan and translate any printed text from image
  • Thrive – Use games to track your mood and teach yourself methods to take control of stress
  • Unmind - a mental health platform that empowers staff to proactively improve their mental wellbeing
  • Virtual Hope Box - helps people live through painful emotional experiences through distraction, inspiration, relaxation, coping, support and reasons for living
  • Worry Tree – help to manage worries with CBT

Finance, Bills and Support

Buckinghamshire Help: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/cost-of-living/

Buckinghamshire Warm Spaceshttps://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/cost-of-living/find-a-place-to-keep-warm-welcoming-spaces/

Government Cost of Living Support:  https://costoflivingsupport.campaign.gov.uk/

Government Cost of Living Payment:  https://www.gov.uk/guidance/cost-of-living-payment

Helping Hand:  https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/housing-and-benefits/support-with-food-bills-and-finances/

Money and Benefits: Money and benefits | Family Information Service (buckinghamshire.gov.uk)

Bucks Family Information Service: Family Information Service | Buckinghamshire Family Information Service

Food Bank Vouchers and Referrals: Food Vouchers - The Trussell Trust or speak to your local Citizens Advice Bureau

UK Bill Help: https://www.billhelp.uk/

Family Fund supports families raising disabled and seriously ill children and young people: Family Fund Support | Family Fund

Home Start:  https://www.home-start.org.uk/

Confused.com Petrol Prices:  https://www.confused.com/petrol-prices (requires a registration)

Benefit and Grant Calculator: https://www.entitledto.co.uk/

Money Saving Expert: https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/

Energy Bill Support Scheme: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/energy-bills-support-scheme-explainer

Help with Energy Bills:  https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/information-consumers/energy-advice-households/getting-help-if-you-cant-afford-your-energy-bills

Money Helper Energy: https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/money-troubles/dealing-with-debt/struggling-to-pay-your-gas-or-electricity-bill

Energy Saving Trust: http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/energy-at-home

Simple Energy Advice:  https://www.simpleenergyadvice.org.uk/ 

Better Housing Better Health:  https://www.bhbh.org.uk/

Buckinghamshire Financial Insecurity Partnership:  https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/campaign/money-problems/

Turn2Us:  https://www.turn2us.org.uk/

Step Change:  https://www.stepchange.org/

Quaker Social Action:  https://quakersocialaction.org.uk/we-can-help/money-finances/made-money/financial-wellbeing/help-cost-living

Government Advice:  https://www.gov.uk/cost-of-living

Citizen’s Advice: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/get-help-with-the-cost-of-living/

Money Helper Mortgages: https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/homes/buying-a-home/government-help-if-you-cant-pay-your-mortgage

Shelter:  https://england.shelter.org.uk/get_help

Centrepoint:  https://centrepoint.org.uk/what-we-do/housing/

Homeless Link:  https://homeless.org.uk/

Government Guidance: https://www.gov.uk/if-youre-homeless-at-risk-of-homelessness

Crisis:  https://www.crisis.org.uk/ending-homelessness/about-homelessness/

BBC Advice and Support:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/topics/cljev4jz3pjt

Food, Shopping & Cooking

Kids Eat Free: https://moneysavingcentral.co.uk/kids-eat-free

Healthy Living Centre https://www.healthylivingcentre.com/community-projects/

Fare Share: http://fareshare.org.uk/

Buckinghamshire Disability Service: https://buds.org.uk/information/

Transforming Lives for Good – Make Lunch: https://www.tlg.org.uk/

Trussell Trust: Trussell Trust

Connection Support: https://www.connectionsupport.org.uk/  01296 484322

Salvation Army: https://www.salvationarmy.org.uk/homelessness

Olio Food Sharing: https://olioex.com/

Joseph Rowntree Foundation: https://www.jrf.org.uk/

Family Lives: https://www.familylives.org.uk/

One Can Trust: https://onecantrust.org.uk/food-bank-collection-points/

Bootstrap Cook: https://cookingonabootstrap.com/

Budget Food Ideas: https://savings4savvymums.co.uk/

Meal Planning: https://savvybites.co.uk/7-day-aldi-budget-meal-plan-dec-21-27/

Empower to Cook https://www.empowertocook.co.uk/about

Too Good To Go:  https://toogoodtogo.co.uk/en-gb/consumer

How to Spend Less:  Which.co.uk

Cut Down Grocery Bills: https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/money/bills/six-top-tips-to-help-you-save-on-your-grocery-bills-1912670

Community Hubs & Foodbanks

Buckingham Parish Church: https://www.bpchurch.uk/Groups/149163/Buckingham_Parish_Church/Church_Life/Community/Community.aspx

St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Buckingham: Provides food for those in need living north of Winslow


Bicester Foodbank: https://bicester.foodbank.org.uk/

Milton Keynes Foodbank: http://mkfoodbank.org.uk/about-the-food-bank/

Aylesbury and Various Support Links: https://www.aylesburytownchaplaincy.co.uk/about-aylesbury-town-chaplaincy/support/

Southcourt Baptist Church: https://www.southcourtbaptist.org.uk/SBC_NEIGHBOURHOOD.htm

Aylesbury Vineyard - Make Lunch, Storehouse clothing and furniture & foodbank: https://aylesburyvineyard.church/

Aylesbury Foodbank: https://aylesbury.foodbank.org.uk/

Food Cyclehttps://foodcycle.org.uk/location/foodcycle-aylesbury/

Esquires Coffee shop and Church on Berryfields: foodbank@churchonberryfields.org   07919 332859

Thomas Hickman's Charity : 14 Bourbon Street , Aylesbury, HP20 2RS , 01296 318500

Offers small grants to Aylesbury Town residents in need; applications can be made by families to cover expenses such as uniform, school shoes etc. https://thomashickmancharity.co.uk/

Youth Concern will only help young people under the age of 25 with a connection to Buckinghamshire. They will be provided with a hot meal as well as shelter and advice. https://www.youthconcern.org.uk/

Aylesbury Homeless Action Group: http://www.ahag.org.uk/      01296 435026

Swan Community Hub:  https://www.swancommunityhub.org.uk/

Money and Budget Advice Websites

Money and benefits | Family Information Service (buckinghamshire.gov.uk)

















Support and General Advice





































Refugee Support

Bucks Refugee Support:  https://schoolsweb.buckscc.gov.uk/support-available-for-ukrainian-families-in-buckinghamshire/  0300 131 6000

Refugee Council https://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/  08081967272

Refugee Action https://www.refugee-action.org.uk/

Families with No Recourse to Public Funds:


Unaccompanied Asylum-seeking Children:  https://bscb.procedures.org.uk/qkqsq/children-in-specific-circumstances/migrant-and-unaccompanied-asylum-seeking-children-guidance

Amnesty International https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/refugees-asylum-seekers-and-migrants/  020-74135500

Community Impact Bucks https://communityimpactbucks.org.uk/support-for-ukrainian-refugees-in-buckinghamshire/  0300 111 1250

Bucks Skills Hub:  https://bucksskillshub.org/pages/support-for-refugees  01494 927130

Ukrainian Institute https://refugee-support.ukrainianinstitute.org.uk/settling-into-the-uk

Refugees at Home https://www.refugeesathome.org/

Mind https://www.bucksmind.org.uk/ukraine-refugee-support/  01494 463364

Heart of Bucks https://heartofbucks.org/buckinghamshire-launches-its-ukraine-crisis-fund/ 01296 330 134

Helping Hand for Ukraine: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/community-and-safety/helping-hand-for-ukraine/ 0300 131 6000

Helping Hand: Support for Afghanistan:  https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/community-and-safety/how-we-are-supporting-the-afghan-crisis/ 0300 131 6000

Settling in Buckinghamshire: Information for Afghan migrants:  https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/community-and-safety/welcome-to-bucks/ 0800 999 7677

English Language Support: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/community-and-safety/helping-hand-for-ukraine/help-and-support-if-youve-recently-arrived-from-ukraine/english-language-support/ 0300 131 6000

Wycombe Refugee Partnership:  https://www.wycombe-refugees.org/ 0845 643 2873

Marlow Ukraine Collective https://ukrainecollective.co.uk/

Marlow Refugee Action:  https://marlowrefugeeaction.org.uk/wafaa-from-syria-to-bucks/

Bucks Business First:  https://bbf.uk.com/support-for-refugees 01494 927130

Bucks New University:  https://www.bucks.ac.uk/news/bnu-launches-new-scholarships-refugees-and-asylum-seekers 01494 522 141

Migrant & Refugee Children’s Legal Unit:  https://miclu.org/servicesmap 020 7288 7630


Gypsy, Roma Traveller

Roma Support Group:  https://www.romasupportgroup.org.uk/

Traveller Movement:  https://travellermovement.org.uk/

Friends, Families & Travellers:  https://www.gypsy-traveller.org/

Travellers Times:  https://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/advice  

Friends, Families and Travellers https://www.gypsy-traveller.org/

Missing Persons



