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Why do we need to support our children's online safety? - Click below to watch 

Capture, who's looking after the children? | FT Film Standpoint

How can I limit screen time? - Click below

Screen time boundaries

 If you or your child has a question or a concern, contact the safeguarding team at BPS on 01280 812864 or help is available on the links below:




Online Safety

Being online is an integral part of children and young people’s lives. Social media, online games, websites and apps can be accessed through mobile phones, computers, laptops and tablets – all of which form a part of children and young people’s online world.

The internet and online technology provides new opportunities for young people’s learning and growth, but it can also expose them to new types of risks.

E-safety is a fundamental part of Buckingham Primary school’s safeguarding and child protection measures.

How we keep our pupils safe at Buckingham Primary School

online safety bps presentation.pdf


Government guidance for schools across the UK highlights the importance of safeguarding children and young online.

> Read the key safeguarding legislation and guidance for schools in the UK

Having a whole school approach helps ensure staff, governors, volunteers and parents teach children about online safety.

Schools have a dual responsibility when it comes to e-safety: to ensure the school’s online procedures keep children and young people safe, and to teach them about online safety, in and outside of school.


We foster an open environment in which children and young people are encouraged to ask any questions and participate in an ongoing conversation about the benefits and dangers of the online world.

We share online safety newsletters to help to keep parents informed in this fast changing world and regularly share tips and advice to parents.

Want to learn more?

Click on the links below for resources







KS1 online safety

KS2 online safety

Year 6 specific online safety

 Parental controls & guides for popular apps

Click on the buttons below for more information

Xbox Facebook Apple iOS 🍏

Google Netflix Microsoft