


Remote Learning Plan

 The COVID 19 pandemic impacted our lives in many ways and has allowed us to learn and develop the way we deliver our remote learning plan. To ensure we are fully prepared for all eventualities, the aim of this plan is to give parents and wider stakeholders a clear understanding of remote learning in the event of any partial or full BPS closure, to ensure pupils continue to learn.

What is the Purpose of this information?

This information is a short overview for all parents and staff to ensure you are clear of the procedures and expectations on all of us if school has to implement a closure, for either individual children, a single class, for part of the school or for the whole school. Whilst we have every intention of maintaining continuous full in-school provision for every child, everybody’s health and wellbeing is a priority to us. This means we have to be prepared to handle whatever situation arises, to ensure we can keep children’s learning developing in the right way should they need to stay at home. The continuity of their learning, through remote provision is crucial.

 When will this information be needed?

You will be asked to refer to this information should you be contacted by school to inform you that your child is unable to attend but continue their schooling at home.

 Full BPS Closure

In the event of a full closure with notice, pupils will be sent home with:

  • If required exercise books to record their learning in
  • A timetable of learning to help to organise the day

Pupils should:

  • Log on to the daily zoom registration session at 9:00am. Teachers will take the register and share information about the day’s lessons and take any questions.
  • Watch all of the learning videos/join remote live learning sessions, taking a full and active part in them
  • Complete the learning set by their teacher each day which will be emailed prior or on the day.
  • Pupils can supplement their learning by using on line resources such as Doodle, Read Theory, TT Rockstars and any other resources provided by BPS
  • Try to take part in assemblies and social activities via Zoom (we expect children to keep cameras on at all times and show they are actively listening and participating). Please ensure your child’s name appears as the Zoom user.

Parents are asked to:

  • Set a clear routine with each child using the timetable and the daily learning set
  • Read all communications that come out from BPS to ensure they are fully aware and up to date with news
  • Learning will be emailed directly to parents and where ever possible this will be by the evening before or sooner
  • Support their children to complete all of the learning set
  • Liaise with school staff and seek support on behalf of their child when needed, with class teacher via email
  • Provide access to the learning offered for their children
  • Support their children by uploading on Seesaw pictures of completed work for assessment and feedback

Class Teachers will:

  • Follow their usual planning for maths and English. Maths will be via White Rose Maths and English will include teaching slides and additional information to support completing the lesson.
  • Follow their usual topics with adapted planning and quantity more conducive to home learning, accessing Oak Academy resources where relevant
  • Cover a broad curriculum on a fortnightly rota
  • Try to set work that does not require printing. If work does need printing and you are unable to do this, please let us know.
  • Hold a weekly informal assembly online to allow children to see and speak to their peers
  • Provide weekly timetable
  • Provide either live remote lessons or recorded remote lessons to explain concepts and ensure pupils understand their learning tasks
  • Feedback to pupils on their via email or in zoom sessions.
  • Provide additional support for children/parents through phone calls, email or explanations via video messages
  • Share a story time video each week
  • Speak with all families on at least a fortnightly basis, either through remote live teaching or phone calls
  • Take formal register of those children who attend sessions, which will be recorded on our attendance system.
  • Monitor the daily engagement of pupils and contact the families of those not engaging to offer support
  • Log any safeguarding concerns on CPOMS and liaise with a member of the Safeguarding Team

There may be times durng the day when your child has finished the work set.  Depending on the time, you may wish for your child to carry on with some form of learning.  Please find below a list of some other resources that may help:

  • - Times Tables Rockstars – knowing multiplication tables is critical to being successful in maths. Each child has their own link to this resource.
  • - https://www.thenational.academy/ The Oak Academy has video tutorials from qualified teachers on a whole range of subjects.
  • - bbc.co.uk/bitesize have a range of resources for KS1 and KS2 children
  • - Doodle – daily doodle and additional activities set by teachers

Your child is less likely to fall behind if they read lots.  Reading, whether your child is reading or you are reading to them, is absolutely vital.  Please do as much reading as possible during this time.  The more your child reads the better off they will be.

It is also important that your child does daily exercise.  This will help with their health and wellbeing, as well as enable them to be mentally ready for learning.  You can search for Joe Wicks PE on YouTube for fun and active sessions.

The Senior Leaders will:

  • Ensure the home learning tasks set are to a high standard in line with year group expectations
  • Monitor the phone logs to ensure families are called regularly and any issues are followed up
  • Monitor the attendance and engagement of pupils learning
  • Monitor safeguarding alert system (CPOMS) regularly
  • Communicate regularly with families through social media, weekly newsletters and the school website, etc.
  • Organise events to promote BPS spirit in the community, e.g. trails, decorating the gate
  • Meet daily with staff to address any positives and next steps (this could be in person or through virtual media)
  • Respond to parents queries and concerns
  • Ensure the day to day running of ‘remote’ education and the learning and safety of those on the BPS site (Key Worker and Vulnerable Pupils)
  • Deliver a weekly assembly and regular stories being read via Vimeo

Safeguarding Team will:

  • Call identified families regularly to offer support and check on children’s well-being
  • Liaise with outside agencies, including the Police as appropriate to need
  • Take part in remote meetings as appropriate to need
  • Conduct home visits to families we are unable to contact via phone or who are causing concern
  • Monitor CPOMS on a daily basis and follow up any concerns promptly

Office Team will:

In the event of a full or partial closure of the setting, it is likely that the School Office will close, and staff will work remotely, or on site in limited numbers. The main phone lines will be closed.

  • Monitor office email address
  • Share with parents and monitor a mobile telephone number, for use in emergencies only
  • Publish email addresses to enable teachers to liaise with parents regarding home learning queries
  • Continue to liaise with parents and carers on a daily basis regarding attendance, unless otherwise directed by the Department for Education


We understand this time is challenge for us all.  If you need support with anything, please let us know.  If you have any questions, just ask.  We want to help.  Please be patient and understanding whilst remote learning is in place and give us feedback as we want to ensure our provision is the best we can offer.  It is important we work together to make remote learning a success.

Useful Websites & Information







 Children's guide to coronavirus

Our Response to Covid-19