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At Buckingham Primary School we work hard to create an environment where all children feel physically and emotionally safe, are supported to understand and be able to manage their emotions and behaviour and where each child feels an equal and valued member of our school community. Expectations are high; we teach, model and reward behaviours which reflect and are underpinned by our core school values of Compassion, Courage, Honesty, Resilience, Respect and Responsibility and which support the development of an ethos of kindness and co-operation. We expect every member of the school community to behave in a considerate way towards others. We understand that our role as adults is to strengthen children’s positive behaviours and support the development of the whole child. Adopting the Steps approach to promoting positive behaviours, as well as work with Equally Safe / Anti-bullying Alliance, support us in creating shared understanding and effective practice.

Our school values and expected learning behaviours are displayed in every classroom and are regularly discussed with the children and referred to.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

 Anti Bullying Poster

Home School Agreement

Behaviour Policy