If your child is going to be absent from school please submit this information under absence using Parentmail or by contacting the school office at by 9:15am, stating their full name, class and reason for absence. Alternatively telephone the school office by 9:15am on 01280 812864 and select option 1.
Clarification of our 48hr policy for sickness: Your child should remain absent from school if they have been sick from a suspected stomach bug. If you believe the sickness to be for other reasons e.g. anxiety, coughing, over-eating, then they can return to school and 48hrs is not necessary.
ukhsa should i keep my child off school guidance a3 poster.pdf
Did you know?
- If a child has 90% attendance, it means they are absent from lessons for the equivalent of half a day every week
- If their attendance stays at 90% during the academic year, they will miss a total of 4 weeks of school, which equates to nearly half a term
- If their attendance stays at 90% from Year 1 to Year 6, they will have missed27 weeks which is over half a school year
- A child who is 10 minutes late every day will miss 30 hours of lessons during a year
- Half of pupils who miss between 2-4 days in September will go on to miss nearly a month of school that year
- Reception and Year 1 pupils who are often absent, have an 81% chance of reading below the expected level by the time they reach Year 2
- By the end of Key Stage Two, pupils with a high level of absence have an increased chance of dropping out of secondary school
- Only 33% of pupils with attendance of less than 50% go on to achieve 5+ GCSE's whereas over 80% of pupils with 100% attendance achieve 5+ GCSE's