


Sports Captains

The role of the sports captains is to lead, support and inspire others; demonstrating the school CAPTAIN values.  As sports captains, we act as role models for the whole school, helping to engage others in active sport.  Working closely with Mrs Smith, we share pupils' ideas of how to improve the sports provision at BPS.  We are also ambassadors of the school, helping to support sporting festivals and events.

 Key Responsibilities

  • Be a positive role model during playtimes and lessons by promoting the school sports values
  • Encourage pupils to participate positively in Physical Education, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA)
  • Assist in running of intra-school tournaments (refereeing, coaching, setting up and tidying up)
  • Assist in running of Sports Days
  • Assist with lunch time sports clubs
  • Assist with extra-curricular sports clubs