


Forest School

'The best classroom and the richest classroom is roofed only by the sky.' 

Margaret McMillan


At BPS, our Forest School provision is provided by S4A. Their specialist Forest School Leader is a Level 3 Qualified Practitioner, trained in child development, self-esteem and learning theories that facilitate sessions to gain personal outcomes for each participant.

Our Forest School programme will enrich the lives of the children who will take part in sessions throughout the school year and across all four seasons, and their development will be enhanced by the introduction of the Forest School ethos and principles. Each class’s involvement in the planning and development of the site will be a core part of their learning experience. Everything we do at Forest School will be to benefit the environment, to protect and create habitats, to encourage biodiversity and to make our school a key contributor to the Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Biodiversity Plan (BAP)

Forest School is a long term holistic learning process that aims to raise self-awareness and self-esteem in participants. Sessions take place in a woodland environment, where the landscape itself adds to the experience of learning.

Forest School can increase a child’s confidence and self-esteem through exploration, problem solving, and being encouraged to learn how to assess and take appropriate risks depending on their environment. The use of learner-led outcomes means information is retained better and also generally increases curiosity and motivation to learn in general. This motivation can have a positive impact on attitude to learning in school.

For more information about S4A Forest School provision, visit:  

S4A Forest School Provision